Mansoura University

Speech of the Secretary General of Mansoura University

Members stuff of the faculty
Dear employees
The university students

Mansoura University now proudly became an icon and source of scientific, cultural, intellectual, sporting and administrative radiation for the Dakahlia community and neighbouring governorates because of its vision and objectives for the advancement of the surrounding society It has become a locomotive for all sectors of the surrounding society. This has become evident through the establishment and development of qualitative programmes, new specializations and language programmes. This has attracted more members of all Egyptian society, as well as from various Arab, African and Asian nationalities, to be ranked second among Egyptian universities in the preparation of expatriate students.

Mansoura University was also one of the first universities to use modern administrative and financial systems in all fields, whether payment or electronic achievement or technical programs for salaries or workers' affairs, faculty, education affairs, students and other electronic programs. The development and application of modern technology in the management of all sectors in order to work on the development of competitive cadres, creativity and community service.

All wishes for our beloved University with greater prosperity, progress and sophistication,
All of you have good wishes and happiness.